1. Assessment Accommodation and Concession
Accommodations and concessions are meant to assist learners who experience barriers to learning and are unable to write an examination under normal examination conditions. Concessions are not meant to unfairly advantage any individual, but rather to level the playing field between learners who experience barriers to learning and those who do not.
There are various types of accommodations and concessions and the type granted depends on the learner’s specific barrier or challenge. Kindly refer to the application form and policy document (available from SACAI registered institutions) for a list of the different types of concessions.
Applications must be made using the prescribed forms as determined by SACAI.
The form and supporting documentation must be completed and submitted to SACAI by a learner’s school or distance education provider by the due dates stipulated on the SACAI year programme.
An application fee is payable.
The need for support must be identified and addressed as early as possible to allow learners who face barriers to learning a fair chance to achieve to the best of their ability throughout their studies. All applications must be submitted to SACAI when the learner enters Grade 10, or immediately after the learner has been diagnosed with the learning disorder.
No. Once a concession is granted, it will remain valid until the end of Grade 12.
- Kindly ensure that a copy of the learner’s concession letter is attached to their Grade 12 registration form, as well as to each of their assessments and examination scripts.
No, the concessions should be applied to all assessments. Learners must become accustomed to the alternative assessment methods during internal assessment, so that when they are externally assessed (SACAI NSC Examination) they are comfortable with the methods used and are able to reach their full potential.
- There are many reasons why concessions may not be granted. These include:
- The relevant application form was not completed, was incomplete or was submitted after the application closing date.
- There is no history of previous concessions.
- Only a letter/prescription from a specialist was attached, and not a full report as required.
- Specialist reports are older than two years.
- The concession requested and the concession recommended by the specialist on the supplied report do not correspond.
- All extra costs related to Grade 10-12 accommodations/concessions are for the account of the parent/guardian.
- These costs may include:
- The rent of a separate venue (classroom) for use during the examination period.
- The cost of an additional invigilator as required by the SACAI Examination Policy.
- The cost of a reader and/or scribe as mutually agreed between the reader/scribe and the parent/guardian.